Monday, May 16, 2011


May 1, 2011

We woke up again to sunny skies with a chill in the air. Mike had been anxious to go hiking, but with the snowpack this year, we can't get too far in the alpine without having to strap on the snowshoes.

We opted for something easy; just off Hot Springs Road, there are cross country and snowshoe trails, and Mike knew of an area that he wanted to explore a bit more. So off we went, and of course, not even 100m in, we had to strap on the snowshoes. But it was warm and most of the trail was in the sun so that was great.

We made it to an un-serviced forest road to lead us to a mountain range behind the Hot Springs but we ran into an obstacle; a raging river that was wide enough and too slippery for us risking crossing it.

It was really fun though, and with only a 15 minute drive from home, it is so great to get out and explore the Nakusp area.

We will go back when the water is a bit calmer and bring more equipment to be able to cross the river this time.

Happy trails.

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