Monday, May 16, 2011

5K Run on May 8th

May 8th, 2011 (Mother's day)
5km group

What do people do on Mother's Day?

For over 120 people (plus those watching) in Nakusp, they decided to either walk 2km or run a 5km course around the streets of Nakusp.

Everything was organized to perfection AND the sun decided to show up. We couldn't have asked for better.

Kari Tithecott, founder of the Arrow Lakes Running Group and event organizer, had all her volunteers ready to go; many showed up to set up tables and tents , get last minute registrations and the event started and
finished with a bang.

Mayor Karen Hamling was at the finish line handing out carnations to the runners, tables full of sliced oranges, muffins, water was there when finishing the run or walk. The baked goods sale was a huge success; Shannon, your granola bars are out of this world.

The silent auction had some amazing items and for those who were really hungry, the BBQ was on for great hot dogs with all the trimmings.

There was a demonstration of Parcour or Parkour, which is a non-competitive, physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible, using only their bodies. Parkour can be practiced anywhere, and is quite popular in urban areas.

The event benefited the newly-formed Arrow Lakes Medical Aid Society, a charity that will raise funds to help families facing financial stress as they travel to receive medical care in larger city centers.

A group of 12 runners from Kaslo came to the event and a group of us in Nakusp are planning to go to Kaslo in October to participate in the Suffer Fest event. We are developing a great relationship with the town of Kaslo and in turn we can support each other in our efforts to bring events to our communities.

I hope we double the amount of people next year. The energy and excitement was palpable.

The Arrow Lakes Running Group, founded by Kari Tithecott, has provided a way for all of us to enjoy running while doing it safely. We have created new friendships and it has been an amazing experience. We are all awaiting anxiously for the next clinic which will hopefully start in June.

Thanks Kari for your amazing dedication and support.
(all photos courtesy of Mayor Karen Hamling - thank you Karen!)

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