Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hi everyone, yes long time no blogging but great things are happening at the store!!!

And we are now on Facebook so for updates on new gear, specials, log onto our page at:

we did a couple of trips recently so more to come on gear updates; the winners, the not so good, and other great adventure places.

Stay tuned,

Monday, September 5, 2011

SOL MOUNTAIN - 4 days in paradise

On August 8, a group of 21 people convoyed to Sol Mountain for a 3 night trip of backpacking in the high alpines. Our friends Wulf and Bianca organized the expedition and we were lucky enough to be invited to join their group.

For those reading this and are not familiar with the Kootenays, Sol Mountain lodge is located in the Monashee Mountain Range, about 2 1/2 hours North West of Nakusp, on the West side of the lake, and just south of Revelstoke. In the summer, it is accessible with 4 wheel drive and the driving directions are well marked and easy to follow.

In the winter months, it is an extremely popular area for back-country skiing, including a nordic track set, but in winter, it is only accessible by helicopter. We saw some pictures and we are definitely planning a trip there this winter so we can let you know all about it! Judging by the pictures, I'm sure it won't disappoint. The powder looks incredible and there is so much terrain.

Our group arrived around 11:30am and Aaron, one of the owners, was there to welcome us at the parking lot, and to pick up our luggage and food for our stay. (The lodge also offers catering and guided trips but our group chose the option of self-catering and self-guiding. )
There is a short 1.8km hike to the lodge from the parking lot but without having to carry anything, it is a nice introduction to the spectacular scenery we were about to witness.

The lodge is beautiful; it's location is perfect because even if you prefer not to hike, it is in the meadows, and is surrounded by mountain peaks wherever you look. It is absolutely stunning.

SOL Mountain lodge is extremely comfortable even for a large group like ours. The kitchen is well equipped with everything you need for cooking; there's plenty of washrooms and one hot shower on demand, so we can all have a hot shower after our hikes. There's even a beautiful sauna right next to the lodge. All the bedding and towels are supplied; all you need is your hiking gear and comfortable clothes to hang out at the lodge. Forgot your wine or beer? No problem, the lodge is fully stocked with a great selection of both. (and the prices for accomodation are extremely reasonable)!

After getting settled in, we were all anxious to go outside and explore our new surroundings; since it was already late in the day, we opted for a short hike to Sol Lake, (about 30 to 40 minl hike), and only about 200m elevation from the lodge, and continued on the Mission Ridge.

For those who are not keen hikers but like to explore without having difficult terrain, this hike is perfect. And of course, the views do not disappoint. This is what we found was the greatest thing about staying there; no matter what level of hiker you are, there is something for everyone. And since the lodge is so high in the alpine, there is always a view to look at.
This small hike was just the right thing to do on our first day; we headed back to the lodge around dinner time, to gather with Aaron and our news friends and share a mea, a laugh, and planning the next day hike.

Tuesday, August 9th -
August started with a bang weather wise, so we woke up to gorgeous blue skies and a few puffy clouds; our goal for the day, S0l Mountain range. We had a chat with Aaron before leaving and his only advice was to bring mosquito repellant; he mentioned that they were very 'friendly' in some parts of that trail. Just after 9:00am, 1/2 of our group decided to venture to that peak

The great thing about hiking at the lodge is that they provide guests with radios so at anytime, should anything happen (or if you want to brag to everyone once you've reached the top of a mountain), there's a direct link to the lodge.

The hiking program is still a new project for the lodge so the trails are marked to a point, and then guests must make their own trail to summit. (this isn't difficult; you can always see where you are going, so it is a matter of finding the best route to get up there).

Sol Mountain trail starts just to the left of the lodge on the west side, and the first section is a 600 feet descent; we understood very quickly Aaron's advice to carry mosquito repellent; they were viciously attacking us! Then the trail climbs back up to reach the ridge on the other side (about 900 feet) and from that point is a steady climb but not very steep to the 2nd ridge; this is where we had to scramble a bit to find a route and eventually made it up to a plateau, where we could see the summit of Sol.

Once we reached that point, a few hikers decided that this was enough challenge for one day so they stayed on the plateau to wait for the few of us who decided to push to the summit.

The final climb isn't technical or difficult but it is rocky and steeper in parts but no one had any difficulty making it to the top. And there was still snow up there! The views did not disappoint; we saw two more peaks that we would have liked to climb, Pride Rock and Twin Peaks, but we didn't have enough time that day. From the mountain, we could see t many other mountains we can't name but wanting to climb!

What an awesome first day. And the best thing is knowing that we are going back to a comfortable lodge, with all the amenities of home and comfy beds, and oh yeah A HOT SHOWER!!! To us, that is absolute luxury in the alpines. (we usually sleep in a two people tent, stinky from our hike, on a 2" neo-air thermarest, still comfortable but staying in a lodge was a real treat!!!)

Wednesday, Aug 10
The night before, Mike and I had decided to climb Mt. Fosthall but no one in the group was interested in coming with us; some had done it previously and others were a bit nervous about the possibility of hiking 8 to 10 hours, which is what we had heard it could take to get there and back from the lodge. Although sunny when we woke up, the weather forecast called for thundershowers mid-afternoon so I was definitely nervous about leaving for that long should the weather change.
Before heading out, we spoke to Aaron and he suggested that we take a different route, one that would keep us lower on the ridge to a bench just under Fosthall where we could find our best line to summit. He said it would be steep, but it could take off some time off the predicted 8 hours.

By 9:10am, we were ready to go, geared up and radio at hand. The first part of the hike isn't difficult, walking mostly through meadows with some altitude gains but nothing drastic. It was spectacular. We listened to Aaron's advice and once the marked trail ended, we just kept staying low until we could see the bench he had referred to. He was right; the bench was just under the peak so we had a good view of where we could go from there to reach the peak.

This part was definitely more difficult; there is a lot of loose rocks, especially as we made our way higher up; we also found a couple of short cuts that were extremely steep but did cut a lot of time instead of having to go around. we did make the decision though that we would not go back that same way on the way down; it was way too steep. We had to cross a large snow section diagonally and the hiking poles sure came in handy there. and from that point, it was all rocks, mostly loose so we had to be careful with our footing but it was manageable.

I was just ahead of my husband and reached the summit at 11:50am, which, we were told when we got back to the lodge, was a record so far. The clouds were a bit menacing by this point but we stayed about 1/2 hour to enjoy our well deserved lunch break and take in the amazing panoramic views of all the mountain ranges that can only be seen at 2690 meters. what a day! what a hike!

Our friend Bianca and other hikers were just below us on a different ridge and were able to see us ascend to the top; she was on the radio right away to congratulate us on reaching the summit.

We loved this hike, beautiful, moderate hiking in parts to challenging to reach the peak. We made it back well before the storm, just before 3:30pm, and we were SO glad we didn't get caught in the high winds and rain that started around dinner time.

After dinner, a few games, exchange of hiking stories and laughs, we fell asleep immediately. what a great getaway.

Thursday was the drive home day; sadly, we had to leave but we have made lifelong memories there. Now we want to share with everyone reading this how beautiful this part of our Province is, and how worthwhile it is to explore the amazing accessible terrain we have.

So thank you Aaron and Dave for having this vision and supplying hikers, nature lovers, and skiers with such a beautiful place.
WE WILL BE BACK~~ your hospitality was incredible, we felt at home and well looked after.

If you want more information on either hiking, (or just relaxing if you wish), or back-country skiing, please visit their website at

Happy Hiking! As always, stay safe, enjoy the wildlife and scenery, and leave no trace.... only footprints.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

City Chase in Kelowna, BC

On Saturday, June 4th, Mike and I raced in the Mitsubishi City Chase in Kelowna and had an absolute blast.

For those who have never heard of this event, it's a mini 'Amazing Race' but done in a day instead of a month - here's a brief description:
The Mitsubishi City Chase is an urban adventure; participants must be able to show teamwork, resourcefulness, determination and the ability to make decisions on the fly as they search for ChasePoints scattered in unknown locations throughout the city. ChasePoints are designed to test teams with a variety of physical, intellectual, adventurous and humorous challenges.

Team of 2 will run, walk and use public transit to navigate their way throughout the city -
The first team to complete the required Chase Points and cross the finish line before the 6 hour timeframe WINS. This race takes places in major cities across Canada, and is also on the worldwide scene. (check their site at

Kelowna hosted more than 100 teams that day and the weather was absolutely amazing. We were slow to start since our knowledge of Kelowna was limited, except for driving through on our way to Vancouver so we were definitely at a disadvantage from the start. Once we figured out some of the chase points, the race was on.

We had a few firsts that is for sure: I rode an ATV through an obstacle course, Mike had to learn to knit, pull a car (with me in it!) and scale down the Sandman Hotel from the 14th floor.

We want to thank our friends who sponsored us for the Right to Play Charity. Part of the event is a venue to raise money for Right to Play. By raising money, this gave us the advantage of having one chase point ahead of time; we just needed to show up at the proper chase point to get our credit.

Our biggest challenge was figuring out the transit system; we misread the schedule so although we did all our 10 chase points, we were 10 minutes late to cross the finish line. But now, we know Kelowna much better.

We're hoping for a few friends to join us in the fun next year. We are definitely entering again.

This wasn't our first event; when we lived on the coast, we participated in the Vancouver City Chase in 05, 06 and 07. So we're thrilled that Kelowna is now hosting an event.

At the finish line, a nice cold Molson Canadian was waiting; nice! And cookies from Subway and Nestea soft drinks. This whole event is really well organized.

There is an after party which we missed; we were so bagged that we went out for dinner and went back to our B&B; we sipped delicious wines while watching the sunset over the lake and mountains, a nice way to finish the day.

Stay active, have fun!

Update on Zumba fundraiser

On May 28th, a group of us participated in the Zumba funraiser for Relay for Life. It was SO much fun, we had 5 amazing instructors, each taking turn showing us some great moves.

Instead of being 1 1/2 hour class, we danced for 2 hours non-stop. The weather held up until the last song, then the grey skies moved in - what great timing.

This event raised $1400 for Breast Cancer research, so on behalf of Sharon and her friends from the Okanagan, thank you SO much for all who participated and donated.

It was a blast. Let's try to raise twice as much next year.

See you then.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5K and 10K Running Clinics starting soon

For those who missed out on the first clinic given by Kari Tithecott, you are in luck!

Kari it putting on 2 clinics for a 5k and 10k run.

So, who can join in ?

The 5km intro/novice program is suitable for anyone from the complete novice to those who are looking for a safe and rewarding environment to begin running again. The clinic goal is to guide motivated individuals through a 10 week run/walk program to safely complete a 5k run at the end of the clinic. (*Prerequisite: ability to run 4 min continuously)

The 10k clinic is a novice program suitable for anyone who has been doing some run training and is looking for a safe and rewarding environment to begin running longer distances. The goal is to guide motivated individuals through a 14 week run/walk program to safely complete a 10k race (road or trail) at the end of the clinic. (ability to run 10 min continuously)

During the clinics, Kari introduces us to a variety of topics that will be beneficial to our growth as runners. Clinic leader(s) will be on hand to ensure you are running properly to help prevent injury and to help answer any questions you may have.


5k clinic - July 5th to September 6th, 2011 - $55.00
10k clinic - June 20th to September 29th 2011 $80.00

How does it work?

the group meets once a week 'as a clinic', then each runners must dedicate other times during the week to keep up with the training schedule -
can't make the clinic time? No problem, you can still join the group - Kari will keep you in the loop every week with the training schedule and tools to help with your running, and then you also get access to the emails of all the other runners. You can then email other runners and let them know what time works for you and more than likely, you'll end up with a few people to run with you.
So even if you don't live in Nakusp, or the clinic time doesn't work for you, YOU CAN STILL JOIN THE CLINIC!

I cannot say enough good things about Kari's ability to lead a group to success; running with a group provides motivation, camaraderie, and support to keep you running and help you meet your fitness goals. It is FUN and at the same time healthy and rewarding.

All the forms are available at the store so you can pick up anytime.

Happy Running!
(Note: for those who don't know yet, the May 8th 5k run and 2k walk on mothers day ended up raising over $3200 for charity; way to go everyone!!!)

May 8th Photos available here

If you were at the run on May 8th and are interested in seeing the pictures who were taken by Deb booth of Deb's Photography & Framing, we have the preview book at Little Mountain. It's easy to order; look in the book, when you see something you like, write down the number beside the photo and decide what size you would like. You can leave it with us with your phone number and name or call or email Deb directly:
t: 250 265 3045

Her prices are competitive and right now, orders under $99 get 20% off and over $100 get 25% off. Great deal!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Riding the trails in Kalamalka Lake Park

May 20, 2011

It is fun to mix business and pleasure and since we had to go to Vernon to take care of some business, we decided to take our mountain bikes and go for a ride in the area afterwards.

I am very new at Mountain Biking so although I like to find something challenging, I'm definitely in the 'beginner' category. We were told to try Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park.

What a beautiful place. The trail system is well developed and with more than 3700 hectares, the trails vary from wide trails to accomodate cyclists, hikers and horses and also offers single lane trails for mountain bikes.

We were gone for over two hours and the trails went from easy, to steep uphill to scary, fast single lane downhill (well for me it was!) - but what a thrill, I think I'm hooked. Along the way, there are benches placed strategically to enjoy the most spectacular views of Coldstream and Vernon and the lake. Our start point was The Red Gate but there are other parking areas within the park to choose from.

It is always fun to try a different area; the scenery there is quite different than what we're used to in the Kootenays, but we loved it.

The best time to see wildflowers is early spring to June and the Arrow-leaved Balsamroot (Spring Sunflower) was in bloom everywhere. (click on picture to make it bigger).

We found that there was something for everyone there and if you stay on the wider trails, most of them are not too difficult.

If you venture in the single lane trails, then there are some definitely more difficult, steeper and challenging trails. Bring lots of water!

I can't wait for our next mountain bike ride.
Til then, happy trails.

Zumba takes on
Relay for Life

Raising money for
Breast Cancer Research

Saturday, May 28th
5:30pm to 7:00pm
in front of the


Boys and girls,

Minimum $5.00 donation for Cancer Research to participate in the class - or you can watch and cheer - come and see what the buzz is about! Zumba is the most fun you'll ever have exercising. (

5 HOT instructors including our very own Sharon Metlewsky and 4 of her Okanagan friends who'll be riding in town on their Harleys.


Let's have fun raising money -
everyone is welcome


Monday, May 16, 2011


Sunday, May 15

Since the snow pack is still low in the alpine, we decided to find a lower level hike (so we wouldn't need snowshoes) and our great book 'Where Locals Hike in the West Kootenays" delivered in offering a few options for shoulder season hiking.

We opted for the Slocan Lakeshore trail; it sounded interesting and with a name like 'Lakeshore', we figured it had to be pretty since we'd be hiking along the Slocan Lake. The hiking book described that although we wouldn't gain much elevation, it had rolling hills which made the trail a bit more challenging. The round trip would be approx. 16km, and would take about 4 1/2 to 5 hours.

Under sunny skies and a balmy 20 degrees, we left Nakusp in the morning and arrived at the trail head just before 10.

Immediately after entering the trail, we knew we would like this trail; the large boulders and Douglas fir along the way reminded me of the West Coast a lot. Being early spring, everything was just starting to bloom and the fragrance of all the wild flowers was intoxicating. It was lush and green everywhere and quiet.

We were told we might hear the trucks on the highway just across the lake, but since it was a Sunday, we didn't hear anything but birds and squirrels.
We saw beautiful butterflies, a very tiny bird which we had not seen before, many squirrels, and no bears. Actually we did see a bear but it was on the side of the road on our way to Slocan.

The hike isn't difficult but rocky in some parts; and it is 8km one way so if you're not in shape yet from winter hibernation, then you may want to shorten the trip a little. There are plenty of great spots to have lunch and enjoy the view.

The trail leads to Evan's Creek/beach, which is a provincial campground, and includes a few tent spots, 2 fire pits, a toilet, and food cache. And of course, a trip to see the waterfall is a must; it is spectacular. There's a bridge across the fall so if you're not afraid of heights or rushing water below your feet, you're in for a treat. A camera is a must.

We had lunch on the beach in the sunshine; we figured it was at least 25 degrees. We thought about a 'dip', but the icy cold water made us change our mind. It looked inviting, but very glacial.

There are other trails available at this point to continue further but we made that our stop for the day. Unfortunately, we had to come home the same day but we give this 'early hike' the thumbs up. Nothing beats going up in the alpine, but for a low level hike, we highly recommend this one.

We can't wait for summer to be here - come by the store if you are ever interested in joining us for a hike.

Until then, Happy Hiking!

5K Run on May 8th

May 8th, 2011 (Mother's day)
5km group

What do people do on Mother's Day?

For over 120 people (plus those watching) in Nakusp, they decided to either walk 2km or run a 5km course around the streets of Nakusp.

Everything was organized to perfection AND the sun decided to show up. We couldn't have asked for better.

Kari Tithecott, founder of the Arrow Lakes Running Group and event organizer, had all her volunteers ready to go; many showed up to set up tables and tents , get last minute registrations and the event started and
finished with a bang.

Mayor Karen Hamling was at the finish line handing out carnations to the runners, tables full of sliced oranges, muffins, water was there when finishing the run or walk. The baked goods sale was a huge success; Shannon, your granola bars are out of this world.

The silent auction had some amazing items and for those who were really hungry, the BBQ was on for great hot dogs with all the trimmings.

There was a demonstration of Parcour or Parkour, which is a non-competitive, physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible, using only their bodies. Parkour can be practiced anywhere, and is quite popular in urban areas.

The event benefited the newly-formed Arrow Lakes Medical Aid Society, a charity that will raise funds to help families facing financial stress as they travel to receive medical care in larger city centers.

A group of 12 runners from Kaslo came to the event and a group of us in Nakusp are planning to go to Kaslo in October to participate in the Suffer Fest event. We are developing a great relationship with the town of Kaslo and in turn we can support each other in our efforts to bring events to our communities.

I hope we double the amount of people next year. The energy and excitement was palpable.

The Arrow Lakes Running Group, founded by Kari Tithecott, has provided a way for all of us to enjoy running while doing it safely. We have created new friendships and it has been an amazing experience. We are all awaiting anxiously for the next clinic which will hopefully start in June.

Thanks Kari for your amazing dedication and support.
(all photos courtesy of Mayor Karen Hamling - thank you Karen!)


May 1, 2011

We woke up again to sunny skies with a chill in the air. Mike had been anxious to go hiking, but with the snowpack this year, we can't get too far in the alpine without having to strap on the snowshoes.

We opted for something easy; just off Hot Springs Road, there are cross country and snowshoe trails, and Mike knew of an area that he wanted to explore a bit more. So off we went, and of course, not even 100m in, we had to strap on the snowshoes. But it was warm and most of the trail was in the sun so that was great.

We made it to an un-serviced forest road to lead us to a mountain range behind the Hot Springs but we ran into an obstacle; a raging river that was wide enough and too slippery for us risking crossing it.

It was really fun though, and with only a 15 minute drive from home, it is so great to get out and explore the Nakusp area.

We will go back when the water is a bit calmer and bring more equipment to be able to cross the river this time.

Happy trails.

Paddle to the Bahamas

Sunday, April 24th

If you don't live here, don't be fooled by the title - we DO have a beautiful sand beach on Arrow Lakes that we commonly refer to as "The Bahamas" - why? well, for one thing, it gets the most sun; and the sandy beaches becomes an island in the summer when the Arrow Lakes is at its peak (Arrow Lakes is a reservoir - the levels are quite low in winter months but quite high in the summer months).

It was a gorgeous sunny day, so we decided, why not! Let's go for a paddle. We just purchased new racks and were anxious to finally fit both kayaks on the same car.
We left our house in the sunny, warm weather and drove to Bayview to launch the boats. It was a bit of a different story by the water; suddenly, I was wearing about 3 layers to stay warm. But that didn't stop us, we rowed to the Bahamas slowly,and paddled around the inlet and in the area.

The Bahamas is very quiet at this time of year; and with the low water levels, the normally fairly small island looked so big. We had a picnic on the beach, but with the cold wind blowing, we didn't stay very long.
It was so great to be out in April, after such a long winter and paddle the wateways of the Arrow Lakes.

For those wanting a short trip, this is great - we launch at Bayview but be courteous, there are people living next to the launching area. It took us about 40 minutes to get to the Bahamas (at a leisurely pace).

we can't wait to do more trips this summer. Stay tuned.


It is now official, Little Mountain is a dealer for Rocky Mountain Bikes.

If you've never heard of the company, they started about 30 years ago. Rocky Mountain has developed a reputation for quality and innovation. And the best thing, it's an all Canadian company.

Rocky Moutain tests and ride their bikes in the harshest conditions imaginable. And being a BC born company, the challenge of the different terrain available has made it a playground to build the best product possible.
Since the early 90's, RM has been at the forefront of cross country racing with pioneer riders like Alison Sydor, Andreas Hestler, Chrissy Redden, and Bruce Spicer.

From pioneering the sport to winning races, Rocky Mountain Bicycles has a lot to celebrate from the past 30 years.

Come and see us for your next bike. It's an amazing ride.

Monday, April 11, 2011


What time is it?
It's R U M B A TIME !!!!
RumbaTime began with the simple idea of making time keep up with your life, instead of the other way around. They make time weightless with silicone watches that feel like a second skin. Smooth, bright, water-resistant & durable - in styles and colors as diverse as personalities.
Retails between $24.99 and $27.99 - check their website:
Join this new revolution!




Thursday, March 17, 2011


Spring is 'almost' here and then it's bathing suit season.
What better time to get in shape than right now.

Kari Tithecott started the Arrow Lakes Running Group recently and it is gaining popularity. A group of about 10 to 12 runners meets every Tuesday morning at 9:00am for training and tips and the enthusiasm of the group is catching.

It's been so popular that Kari has decided to put a running event in Nakusp on

SUNDAY, May 8th in and around Cenotaph Park


5k Run - starting at 9:30am

2k Walk - starting at 9:45am

100m Kid's Run - starting at 10:45am

CHARITY BBQ - Starting at 11:00am

Draw Prizes (post-race)
Event T-shirts

This is a family Event. Registration forms are available at our store (Little Mountain) or at People's Pharmacy.
Registration fees are:
$15.00 - for the 5k run
$10.00 - for the 2k walk
$15 - event t-shirt

All event day proceeds will go to the Arrow Lakes Mountain Trust. This will support a variety of local causes such as a new charity being developed that will assist Nakusp residents with costs related to out of town medical treatment."

So come and join in the fun
and get in shape at the same time.
For more information on the race or to join the running group, please contact Kari at or