Friday, December 31, 2010


Little Mountain is changing their hours of operations for January and February ONLY -

Our hours will be:

Open - Tuesday to Saturday, 9:30am to 5:00pm
Closed - Sundays
Closed - Mondays

We will resume our regular hours in March:
Open - Monday to Saturday - 9:30am to 5:30pm
Closed - Sundays

Thanks everyone!
Mike & Marie


Photo: The Zinselmeyer family enjoying a great day of Skiing! All in the gear from Little Mountain!!!

Week of Dec 27, 2010
Summit Lake mountain opened its door on Dec.27 with a bang!
I've had the pleasure to go skiing twice this week to great snow conditions. It is hard to beat being able to ski in a less than a 20 minute drive from Nakusp. And better yet, it is affordable!!! ($23 for a full day for adults).
The beautiful log ski lodge has room for all the skiers, there's great hot food and hot beverages available, the staff is super friendly and in no time they know who you are.
We were lucky to get a good 4 to 6 inches on the night of Dec 28 which made for powder conditions on Thursday. It was simply amazing. According to the staff, they've had record days for attendance which is so great to see. It is so important to support our local ski hill, and the many volunteers who put so many hours to keep it running each year. We are still blown away that we have this resort in our backyard.
I am still amazed that when I show up for a day of skiing, I know so many people. Kids are skiing on their own, parents do not have to worry because everybody knows their kids. Summit Lake offers such a great community feel, we'll probably be there this weekend again and whenever we have some time off over the winter. See you all there~!~

For more information, check their website at


Winter in the West Kootenays started early this year; we saw snow in November which got everyone excited for winter sports. There is nothing worst living here when it is raining. We know the snow will come and we all wait anxiously for it every year.

So on a cloudy Sunday in November, we decided to go for a nice hike with the kids. Our friends Jodee, Maia, Zoe and Dawson and of course, dog Jewel were all part of the expedition.
We opted for a wide trail close to the hotsprings; it is low elevation and easier for the kids.
We had a blast~ the kids were running in their snowshoes, finding hills and just having a great time.
Snowshoeing is great exercise and cheap! The initial investment is a pair of snowshoes (we sell the MSR Evo at $159.99 for adults, kids version at $65.99). We've had our MSR for almost 10 years and they're still working just fine. These snowshoes fit just about any boots and are light and easy to carry. THere is so much terrain to explore around Nakusp, we plan to do a lot more this year.

If you're not ready to invest in a pair of snowshoes right away, we have adult and kids size available for rent. $15 for the day so it's a great and inexpensive way to try it before buying a pair. And if you rent a pair and decide on the same day to purchase snowshoes, we will put the rental fee towards your new snowshoes.


It's been a while since our last blog so it's time for an update.

At the end of October, we were en route to go and explore the beautiful island of St.Lucia. We were excited to hike in a tropical paradise, and also do a bit of diving. It wasn't meant to be: the Island had been hit by a hurricane when we were in transit from Calgary to Toronto. Upon landing to make our connection, we were advised of the situation. After spending a night in Toronto, we were told no one was flying in or out of St. Lucia, apparently the damage much worst than we thought.

We decided to fly back to Calgary and reschedule our holidays.
On our way back, we started to think that we were still free to use some of that time to have some fun, and since Banff was on our way home, we decided to spend a night or two there.

It was the best decision ever. We woke up on November 2nd in Banff to blue skies and fairly warm temperatures for that time of year. We decided it would be a perfect day for a hike. We didn't have much warm clothing with us or gear so we decided to stay close to the area.

What we like about Banff is the access to trails without having to drive very far. On our first hike, we did the easy and popular Tunnel Mountain Trail. Although it was in low season, the trail was busy. We can see why; a short hike took us high enough to enjoy spectacular views of Banff and surrounding mountains. We normally would venture to more challenging hikes but we highly recommend going on this hike. Take a picnic and your camera! You won't regret it.

The next day, we decided to go up Sulphur Mountain by Gondola; we normally opt out of the overpriced 'tourist trap' attractions, but this is definitely worth it. The boardwalk at the top is simply amazing, it was bitter cold and windy when we were there. At the top, there is a restaurant with 360 views. If you don't have a lot of time in the region, I would put this as one of the things to do while there.

On our last day, we decided to hike to the Hoodoos. What are Hoodoos? It is a column of weathered and unusually shaped rock.
The trail is extremely easy. If you don't feel like hiking, you can drive to the site. It is very unusual and beautiful. Although it was November, we saw a couple of kayaks landing on the shores of the river below us. The trail is beautiful, you might see climbers on the trail; the rock face of Tunnel Mountain is a popular site for climbers. We highly recommend this easy hike for the whole family.
Our two nights in Banff ended up being 4 nights. It was so beautiful we didn't want to leave. This made us realize how lucky we are in Canada, especially on the West Coast, to be living just a few hours away from such natural beauty. Things definitely has changed since I lived there during the 88 Olympics, but it is still one of the most spectacular places we've been.
And if you are wondering, yes we were able to get a full refund on our trip and have rebooked for Hawaii (Kona). We've already mapped some of the hikes we definitely want to do and some diving trips so stay tuned for an update end of February.