Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sunday, August 15

I love where we live! Sunday morning, we decided to go for a paddle, but didn't want to venture far so after loading the boats, we drove 5 minutes to launch the kayaks at the Marina in Nakusp. Within half hour of having breakfast, loading the boats and leaving our house, we were on the water.

This is one of the great bonus about living here, it is beautiful everywhere and we don't need to go far to find a quiet beach all to ourselves.
All we did is paddle across from the Marina and found a nice little beach, easy access to land the Kayaks and we stayed there all day, had a picnic, we only saw the odd power boat driving by slowly. The lake was so calm that day. From our little beach, we could watch the village and activity going on while relaxing on our chosen piece of paradise for the day. So this wasn't really a big adventure, but I am so glad to be living here. There is so much to do even when time is an issue, there are so many quiet, beautiful places to paddle to and it takes no time at all to reach your destination.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Friday August 13....

On a beautiful Friday afternoon, Mike & I and our friend Mark decided to find the Upper Hot Springs. Everyone knows about the Half Way Hot Springs, and we were told the Upper Hot Springs was on that same road, to just keep driving to about 22 km and that although difficult to locate, we should be able to see the trail; so after looking at a map book, we ventured on what we thought was the correct road.... we drove for a couple of hours at least on for the most part easy logging road but with definite treacherous parts. On our first try, we drove to about 22km, only to end up at a dead end, the road washout out by debris, fallen trees, and definitely no sign of a hot spring anywhere.
Not wanting to be defeated, we back tracked for a while and found another branch on the road which we though for sure must be the way. So again driving another 10plus km on that road, which was also a bit crazy in parts, we came to another dead end, but this time, it looked like it could be a hot spring area. we searched the area for signs of a stream... with no luck. By then it was almost 5pm, so we decided to drive back to Half Way hot spring for a soak, and wondered where we went wrong.
After talking to locals, they told us we were on the wrong road... but we don't regret it ! we finally know where the Half Way road goes to and it is beautiful up there - definitely a 4 x 4 road, we had to move rocks in one area to be able to go through. But another adventure, not much exercise but a fun trip nonetheless.


School starts soon, shorts and t-shirts will be put away soon so we're having our FINAL SUMMER SALE! All must go:
30 to 60% off summer clothing
30 to 40% off all sandals (kids/adults)

Our fall orders are coming in so we must make room! Take advantage of some great prices for great quality products for next season.
But come soon, at those prices, it is selling FAST!!!!

See you all soon! Thanks for all your great comments on our new store and for your continued patronage.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Gimli Ridge / Mulvey Basin

Sunday Aug 8 it was just Mark and I heading up to Gimli ridge, this is hike #16 in the book "Where Locals Hike in the West Kootenay". The road was good going up to the trailhead and obviously 4WD is not needed by the appearance of a Volkwagen golf at the parking lot.

Again we have another iffy weather day, as we start up the cloud ceiling is low, it takes us about 45min hiking through the forest before we break out into the alpine, with clouds still in, we continue up with the weather breaking every so often to tease us with a few seconds of mountain views. As we approach the saddle there are many marmots and pika running around,

other hikers have told us about a couple of Mountain Goats further ahead, we did not see them. As we reach the saddle, Gimli Peak is covered in a blanket of cloud and every so often we get a glimpse of this stunning peak, I am absolutely amazed by this rock spire. After lunch at the saddle we continue on to the ridge with the weather starting to break up, we now have views of Gimli peak

and other surronding ones, what a magnificent area, every direction you look are stunning vistas. From the saddle to the ridge the trail narrows and skirts around the base of Gimli, once we reach the ridge we are rewarded with spectacular views of the Mulvey Creek Basin, for those of you afraid of heights stay back, the edge is straight down many 100's of feet.

But what a spot, we dont want to leave. We continue along the ridge to try and get down into the basin but at the end is a steep drop where you would need the proper rope and equipment to get down. As we start back many of the peaks are now basking in a brief period of sunshine but don't be fooled, 30 minutes later the sky darkens and we are drenched in a downpour of hail followed by rain which lasts until about 10 minutes from the parking lot. Eventhough we are soggy our spirits are high, another great trip, definitely one to re-do on a sunny day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

ALPS ALTURAS, Goat Range Provincial Park

Sunday, August 1 -
I am going to start running out of adjectives to describe some of these hikes but again, what a spectacular hike!!!

I would say one of my top 5 so far.

We woke up to rainy skies, and risks of thunderstorms but we decided to head out anyways, and if the weather got that bad, we'd just turn around.
Our friends Jodee and Don decided to join us for the day.

The 27km logging road to get there is simply amazing. It's very well maintained (but I still wouldn't venture out there without a 4 x 4), and if you are afraid of heights, well this isn't the road or hike you want to do. It is narrow in places, and sheer 90 degree vertical drop on one side.
I would highly recommend the book "Where Locals Hike in the West Kootenay by Kathy andCraig Copeland (which we sell LOL) or the Back road BC Map book for the Kootenay area to find the trail head, there are many intersections to cross and not all of them are marked.

If you're a hiker who loves to get above the tree line quickly, and have panoramic views of mountains, this is the hike to do. After only about 2 km in the trees, the trail opens to meadows full of beautiful wild flowers, rocky peaks, and mountains as far as you can see. All of us were mesmerized by the views.

The trail meanders from valley to valley, at each corner you turn, another spectacular valley appears. There are only a couple of trickier parts where it is still snow covered, but with hiking poles and good boots, it is fine. We made it to the lake but it was raining quite hard and very cold. It took us just over 2 hours to get there. (My Mountain Hardware Gore-Tex jacket kept me dry and comfortable the whole time! Great gear is so important when you venture out to do some of those hikes)

I would highly recommend this hike - it feels so remote, we didn't even hear an airplane. And I know what everyone wants to know, did we see any bears? Well no, we saw bear scats, but our only trail companions were little pikas, marmots and squirrels.

And since this hike is near Rosebery, we ended the hike at the Wild Rose Restaurant for some great mexican food and a few margueritas. (And of course, by then, the sun was shining and it was hot! ) Oh well, maybe our next hike will be under sunny skies.
Until next time, happy trails! Be safe,respect wildlife and leave no trace...


Sunday, July 25

Due to a late start, we decided to check out a short paddle our friend Pat told us about. We launched the boats at the small boat launch beside Arrow Lakes Ferry.
Under beautiful sunny skies, we packed the boats, lunch and all, and paddled across the lake, which is a very short distance.
Upon entering the creek, it is very wide, and quiet... what a beautiful creek. It's extremely easy to paddle, and the view is spectacular. We saw eagles, osprey, many ducks and geese. Kayaks can easily go all the way to the end of the creek, where a river meets with the creek. Power boats can't access this area, it is very shallow.

We parked the boats on the little beach, and enjoyed the sounds and smells of nature. Upon arriving, we were sharing the beach with beautiful butterflies. What a nice place to escape when you don't have a lot of time but want to get away for a few hours.

(see more pics below!)